Traditional White Uniform:
Nike Pro Combat White Uniform (View Full Size)
For the Pro Combat uni's, The Canes dropped the green striping on the front of their jersey's, changed the numbering from green with an orange outline to a half orange-half green atrocity, and switched from orange pants, to white. The green and white pant stripes were dropped in favor of one green and one orange stripe. Yet another example of a team going to all white. Here's a closer look:
Final Judgment: I can't think of any other word to describe these than awful. The traditional "U" helmet is fine but the two-colored numbering and the two different color stripes is just terrible (even if they're meant to mimic the "U" logo). Miami typically has some strange uniforms but the 2009 away white's weren't too bad at all. These are a huge step backward.
Texas Longhorns
Traditional White Uniform:
Nike Pro Combat White Uniform (View Full Size)
The Nike Pro Combat version of the Texas road uniform is simply a slight upgrade. There are very few changes. The chest numbering and "Texas" is basically the same. The all-white pants are the same, and the shoulder striping is the same.
A pretty noticeable change comes here with the helmet. The large numbers that are usually on the back of the helmet have been moved to right above the longhorn logo.

Final Judgment: Although I think I've made it clear that I'm not a huge fan of all-white uniforms, Texas is one of the first teams that I can remember doing this. I don't feel strongly for or against these uni's because there aren't any significant changes. As far as the helmet goes, why mess with greatness? UT has one of the best looking helmets in college football. Leave the numbers on the back where they belong.
Am I crazy, or is the Cane's Pro Combat uniform terrible? Leave a comment and let me know.